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   Brennen Jamesさん   
   Mariano Murrayさん   
     ・[27564] Riko 
   レイチェルさん・チャ ....   
   James Wang-sama   

Name: Rika Matsubara
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 18:20
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Title: Isiah-san    
【Lesson report】
Today you learned how to read and write Kanji (男、女、父、母).

男(male)  おとこ
女(female) おんな
父(father) ちち
母(mother) はは

[Lesson 6]とき 
(4)とうきょうでは ワンピースは 
   にちようびの 9:30am から 10:00am まで です。
   (In Tokyo, One Piece is on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM.)

   ハワイでは なんようびの なんじから なんじまで ですか。
   (In Hawaii, what time and day of the week is it?)




Name: Rika Matsubara
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 17:33
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Title: Alfonso-san    
【Today’s point】

[Lesson 5]あります、います Indicating existance

なにがろうかに ありますか。 What is in the corridor?
なにもありません。 There is nothing.

だれがきょうしつに いますか。 Who is in the classroom?
だれもいません。There is no one.

P55 Challenge
つくえと しょうかきと ばけつが あります。There is a desk, a fire extinguisher, and a bucket.
はこも あります。There is also a box.
つくえや はこが あります。There are desks, boxes and so on.

L5 かぐやかでん


Name: Kumi
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 17:28
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Title: Brennen Jamesさん    
<lesson note>
1. ふくしゅう review MDJ text  
Intermediate II L14 から
2. Intermediate II L15
うれしくなります。 げんきになります。
4.SPPB L9-2〜5
5. conversation example

Thank you for your attendance and I really appreciated.
You are getting used to and solve quiz easily.
We practiced over and over again.
Practice makes difference.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

Very Respectfully

Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 16:35
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Title: Mariano Murrayさん    

きょうも たくさん たのしい 話が できましたね。
マリアーノさんは 漢字もたくさん 読みました。すごいです!

Int3 Chap11 
おねえさんに くつを 買うつもりです。
おとうさんに 料理の道具(cookingtools)を 買うつもりです。

Int 3 Chap11 stage4 @〜D

では、また 来週の日曜日に! 

Name: Riko
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 15:38
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Title: Blaire    
Thank you for coming to my lesson(*´▽`*)

■きょうかしょkyoukasho(textbook):Lesson4ぎもんgimon「どこですか(Where is?)」

We will review how to read hiragana and so on (Next week)〜!
aiueo kakikukeko sashisuseso tatitsuteto★★
■Lesson4 どこですかdokodesuka?(Where is?)
A:こあらは どこの どうぶつですか。(Where is koalas from?)
koarawa dokono doubutsudesuka

B:オーストラリアの どうぶつです(Austoraria’s animal)
oosutorariano doubusudesu

みぎてmigite(right hand)
ひだりてhidarite(left hand)
ひだりがわ hidari gawa(left side)
みぎがわrightside:migi gawa(right side)
しんごう singou(trafic light)
A:せんせいの おくつは どこ/どちらですか。(Where is your shoes?※どちらmore polite)
senseino okutsuwa doko/dotiradesuka    
B:あれです。(That one!)

Let's check When we can use about どれdore/どのdono+Noun/どちらdotira/どっちdotti

●meaning:Choose from a list of three or more limited ones.
●れい:Which is your bag?
●answer:That blue bag(is mine).

●meaning :Use “どの+Noun" to ask which Noun is identified.
●れい:Which person is Yorusan?
● answer:She has long hair and tall and wearing black clothes.

どちらdotira/どっちdotti(When you choose something)
●meaning :Take two things and compare them.
●れい:Which do you prefer, cats or dogs?
●answer :I prefer dogs (to cats).
●notes/remarks:In casual spoken language, it would be “どっち(dotti)".
※どちらですかdochiradesuka(which one is○○?/where is○○?※more polite)
どちら have two meanings!
このくるまは、どこのですか。(Where it's from?)
konokurumawa dokonodesuka
アメリカのです。(America’s car)
どこの「もの」ですか (Where is thing from?)
どこの「くに」ですか(Where is country from?)
どこの「たべもの」ですか(Where is this food from?)

「」 can skip when the subject is obvious

うりばuriba(counter, area, floor)

■how to read&write ひらがな&カタカナ
まみむめも&マミムメモ(ma mi mu me mo)

Let's challenge.
まま ママ (mommy)
みみ ミミ (ear)
むし ムシ (bug/insect)
め  メ  (eye)
きもの キモノ kimono※(japanese traditional clothes)

I will send you email later.
また らいしゅう!(See you next week〜〜!)
mata raishuu!

Name: Riko
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 16:08
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Title: Re:Blaire    
■Lets's try!!〜how to read〜

●あいうえお a i u e o
(1)あい (love)
(2)いえ (house)
(3)うえ (up)
(4)あお (blue)
answer:(1)ai (2)ie (3)ue (4)ao

●かきくけこ ka ki ku ke ko
(1)かく (write)
(2)きく (listen)
(3)おかし snacks..candy,chocolate and so on)
(4)けーき (cake)
(5)こえ (voice)
answer:(1)kaku (2)kiku (3)okasi (4)keeki (5)koe

●さしすせそsa shi su se so
(1)さけ (alcohol)
(2)しお (salt)
(3)あせ (sweat)
answer:(1)sake (2)sio (3)ase (4)soosu (5)sushi

●たちつてとta ti tsu te to

(1)した (down)
(2)くち (mouth)
(3)くつ (shoes)
(4)て (hands)
(5)とけい (clock/watch)

answer:(1)sita (2)kuti (3)kutsu (4)te (5)tokei

●なにぬねのna ni nu ne no

(1)さかな (fish)
(2)にく (meat)
(3)いぬ (dog)
(4)ねこ (cat)
(5)ぬの (fabric)

answer:(1)sakana (2)niku (3)inu (4)neko (5)nuno


Name: Yasuko
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 16:01
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Title: Gabby-san    
Thank you for attending to the lesson tonight(^^)/


We learned the Diacritical Marks(tenten, small circle), Contracted sounds and Double Consonants. It might take time to read them immediately, but you would gradually get used to it with small amounts of practice every day. So no need to worry!

Here are the hiragana you learned in the lesson.

さか/さっか(slope/ writer)
かた/かった(shoulder/ won)

We will review those hiragana with contracted sounds in the beginning of the next class.So reviewing how to read those hiragana would be the homework as well.

Please try to find the hiragana and katakana you can read in the OnePiece manga. Have fun leaning the characters on your pace!(^^♪

Have a nice week!
See you next week.(^_-)-☆


Name: Masayuki Yamada
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 15:33
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Title: レイチェルさん・チャンドラさん    
<Lesson note>
けっこんします=to get married
てつだいます=to help
でんわばんごう=phone number
でんわばんごうを おしえてください。=Please tell me your phone number.
どうぞ〜ください=Please help yourself
Ex. どうぞ、たべてください。
ちょっと〜ください=Please do a bit
Ex. ちょっとてつだってください。=Please help a bit.
ゆっくり〜ください=Please do slowly.
Ex. ゆっくりはなしてください。=Please speak slowly



Name: Masayuki Yamada
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 15:20
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Title: ジョンソンさん    
<Lesson note>
たいがくする=to drop
ふくぎょう=side job
しゅうしょくする=to get a job
Ex. だいがくをやめて、しゅうしょくすることにした。
20ドルまでならいいよ。=Up to USD20, it's fine.
おねがいをことわる=to refuse the request
けいたいコンロ=portable stove
さかき しつちょう=room section manager
うかがう formal=いくnormal



Name: Masako Kurasawa
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 14:53
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Title: James Wang-sama    
Dear Lames-san

Thank you for coming to the lesson this week. Today we started learning the て form, but before that we practiced grouping verbs. James has a very good understanding and has a firm grasp of the rules for grouping verbs. I am grateful that James is so good at it. Next week will be the last lesson of the year. I look forward to seeing you again.

Best Regards
Masako Kurasawa

Name: Riko
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 14:52
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Title: Karen    
Thank you for coming to my lesson(*´▽`*)

Toirewa dokodesuka

てんいん:●●●の となりですよ。
●●●no tonaridesuyo
■how to read&write ひらがな&カタカナ

やゆよ&ヤユヨ(ya yu yo),
わをん&ワヲン(wa wo n)
※をヲpronounciation is wo or o

(1)やくそく ヤクソク(Promise)
(2)やね ヤネ(roof)
(3)ゆき ユキ(snow)
(4)よむ ヨム(read)

(5)わに ワニ(alligator/crocodile)
(6)かめん カメン(mask)
(7)みかん ミカン(mandarin orange/orange)

answer:(1)yakusoku (2)yane (3)yuki (4)yomu (5)wani (6)kamen (7)mikan


1こ いっこ(ikko)
2こ にこ (ni ko)
3こ さんこ(san ko)
4こ よんこ(yon ko)
5こ ごこ (go ko)
6こ ろっこ(rokko)
7こ ななこ(nana ko)
8こ はちこ(hachi ko)
9こ きゅうこ(kyuu ko)
10こ じゅっこ(jyukko)
1つ ひとつ(hito tsu)
2つ ふたつ(huta tsu)
3つ みっつ(mittsu)
4つ よっつ(yottsu)
5つ いつつ(itsu tsu)
6つ むっつ(muttsu)
7つ ななつ(nana tsu)
8つ やっつ(yattsu)
9つ ここのつ(kokono tsu)
10つ とお(too)
おつかれさまです。(good jib,thanks for your hard work)
※でした is past tense.

どうも(Thank you)

どうぞ(After you/Here you are)

え?すみません・・。もういちど ゆっくり いってください
e?sumimasen・・・mouichido yukkuri ittekudasai
※もういちど (one more time) /ゆっくり(slowly)

ぜんぶで 560えん です。※ぜんぶで(altogether, in total)
zenbude 560(gohyaku rokujuu)en desu


ねばねばnebaneba(sticky) 、くさいkusai (stink)

Which is your bag?
あなたの ばっぐ(かばん)は どれですか。

That blue bag.

※Choose from a list of three or more limited ones.
Which person is Mr. Yoru?

She has long hair and tall and wearing black clothes.

Which do you prefer, cats or dogs?
ねこといぬ どちら(どっち)がすきですか。

I prefer dogs (to cats).
(ねこより)いぬのほうが すきです。

※Take two things and compare them.
In casual spoken language, it would be "どっち".
また らいしゅう
mata raishuu!

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