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   James Spencer さん   
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Name: Kimie Kitazawa
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 11:17
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Title: James Spencer さん    

Both 冊(さつ) and 巻(かん) can be used to count books, though their usages differ. Today, 巻(かん) would be used primarily to count individual books within a continuation — be that a single story/collection split across multiple volumes, or a series (such as manga).
This can be seen with phrases like 「 全7巻(ぜんななかん)の事典(じてん)」(lit. seven-volume encyclopedia) or, used ordinally, 第一巻(だいいっかん) (the first volume in a series). 巻(かん) would therefore be limited to when you are counting things from the same continuation, but wouldn't be used to count things from separate collections.

冊(さつ) meanwhile is more around counting the book itself. It can be used to count books from the same collection or from multiple separate collections. Like 巻(かん), it can be used in phrases like 「 全7冊(ぜんななさつ)の事典(じてん)」, but it cannot be used with ordinal numbers to refer to a particular issue in a series.


大きいの犬 → 大きい犬

大きいじゃなくて思います → 大きくないと思います


Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 10:49
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Title: Milla-san    
Konbanwa! Thank you for your time on Sunday night. It was great to see you again! Sorry for the textbook has not arrived yet, I hope the textbook will arrive by the next lesson! In today's lesson, we reviewed a quick Japanese number and we practiced using "desu" while doing quizzes,the phraces like,
"shonen desu","kuro desu", "nezumi desu",→the answer is"mikki mouse desu", so on.Also we practiced useful words like,
"wakari masuka?(Do you understand?)",the answer is "hai(Yes),wakarimasu(I understand)"- affirmative sentence,or "No(iie),wakarimasen(wakarimasen)"- negative sentence.
You did a great job even without the textbook. Thank you for your word work! Have a great week then. See you next time. Take care!
P.S.; We are closed from December 29 to Januar 4 for a 6,7 day winter break, we will reopen on Jan 6. Thank you again.

Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/12/16(月) 10:33
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Title: Jason Hirataさん    

きょうも たくさん 日本語で文をつくりました。色々なことの良い点や悪い点(プラスマイナス)について話しましたね。Jasonさんはいつもしっかり理由が言えて、とても良いと思います。


Int2 Chap10 〜かもしれません



えと zodiac

〜かもしれません 3っつ文を作る


Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/12/15(日) 11:26
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Title: Jason Hirataさん    

きょうも にほんごで いろいろな はなしができましたね。
Jasonさんは たくさんの 文を 作れて、すばらしいです!

Int2 L9
タコスは おいしいけど あぶらっこい。(oily)
じゅじゅつかいせんは おもしろいけど ぼうりょくてきだ(violent).
あまいもの(sweets)は あまり たべません。


では、また あした!

Name: Rika Asahina
Date: 2024/12/15(日) 08:59
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Title: Naralia Henry    
●What we learned today
-This is/ It is, These are/ That is

-To review these expression.

●Next class
Zoom 16
date Friday December 20 2024
time 8:30 pm

よろしく おねがい します :)

Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/12/14(土) 16:40
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Title: Robert Greeneさん    
Robert san

Today you learned a lot of Japanese words.
すごい (Sugoi)!

〇Today’s points

Basic lesson5 p56 

ごみばこ(gomibako)が つくえのしたに あります。There is a trash box under the desk.

けいさつかん(keisatsukan)が こうばんに います。There is a police officer at the police station.

おふぃすofficeのとなりに ばすてい(basutei) があります。

じてんしゃ jitensha (bicycle)

〇しゅくだい homework p5 6phrases かく

では、また らいしゅう!

Name: Chika
Date: 2024/12/14(土) 15:35
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Title: Claire san    

Thank you for coming to all my lessons. It was a very enjoyable conversation and lessons.:)
I hope you will do your best in JLPT, business Japanese, etc., though it is a lot of work.
I hope to see you again soon. Thank you.

Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/12/14(土) 15:10
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Title: Genoire-san    
konbanwa! Thank you for your time on Friday night. I heard you caught a bit of a cold. But It's great to see you again!
In today's lesson, We mainly use like"nai-form" to practiced and have conversations.We talked and shared about how we spend Christmas, New Year's, Christmas break, and New Year's break. Japanese people place more importance on New Year's than on Christmas. We also talked about Osechi-ryori, Datemaki, and Kurikinton, which are eaten during the New Year.
For example, だてまきは、たまごだけじゃないです、or ありません。
くりすますのやすみは2ひかんしかないです。(The Christmas break is only two days long.)
みじかすぎます。かわいそすぎます。(It's the positive statement)
やすみが6(mui)かかんでもみじかすぎます。(Even a six-day winter break is too short.)
You could understand using the phrases "nai-form" and Using the phrase for Jan, Welldone, very nice work! Have a great weekend then. See you next time. Take care!

Name: Fujita Misato
Date: 2024/12/14(土) 14:21
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Title: Jasmine-san    
きょうは L8 Verb2を べんきょうしました(*'ω'*)

かこ・いま・みらいで かたちが かわりますが



Name: Naomi
Date: 2024/12/14(土) 14:17
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Title: Cynthia & Luisさん    
Cynthia & Luisさん

Today you took 2 lessons (makeup & regular).
Both of you performed so well!

〇Today’s points
いくらですか? 〜えんです。
たかい expensive
やすい cheap

ぼうし hat or cap and so on

おなじ the same


p23 ば、だ、ざ、が、ぱ

では、また らいしゅう!

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