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   Kayla san   
   Solamon Dixon san   
    Mr Matthew Camargo   
   Eduardo さん   

Name: Kanae Konda
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 15:32
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Title: Arielさん    
Today we studied

・わたしは 〜を します(れんしゅう practice)
・どこで 〜を しますか(れんしゅう practice)

In today's first sentence-making practice, you were able to make good sentences using objects and verbs.
I think you were able to quickly understand the
"どこで 〜を しますか" practice question and
make it well.

Today we weren't able to do the part about inviting, but let's do it next week!

きょうも ありがとうございました。
また らいしゅう(※げつようび)よろしく おねがいします^^

Name: Sakura
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 15:25
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Title: Ashelyさん    




Merry Christmas!

Name: Masayuki Yamada
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 15:24
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Title: ジョンソンさん    
<Lesson note>
おみまい=visiting somebody ill at hospital or house
=Can you not change it to 4pm?
しろうと=somebody who isn't professional
⇒みなさんにつたえて もらえますか/もらえませんか?
かいしゃにいかなきゃいけなくて、らいしゅうにして もらえる/もらえない?
おごる=I treat. It's on me.
べつのひにしていただくことは かのうですか/できますか?

J: きゅうにしごとがはいって、しゅうまつはできなくなった。
M: いつだったらできる?
J: あしたやろう。
M: ごめん、よていがあるからむりだ。
J: げつようびはじかんある?
M: げつようびのテストまえにしようか。

Name: Ayako Miyata
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 15:05
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Title: Kayla san    
Hello Kayla san,
Thank you for taking a class with me.
We learned i-adjective today.
It's very useful to describe an object in details, so let's learn it more next time.
Have a wonderful holiday!

Name: Satomi Inagaki
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 14:55
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Title: Genoire-san    
Konbanwa! Thank you for your time on Thursday night. It was great to see you agai! As a warm-up, I asked you a question: Did you buy something for a Christmas present? What did you buy? You said, おかあさんにiphoneをかいました。Nice! I bought an iPhone for my mother.おかあさんにiphoneをかってあげました。It's better not to use the phrases "bought for someone" or "was bought for" with superiors, colleagues, or managers. These phrases are generally used for family members, siblings, or friends. Then,we were practicing using "まずは","そのとおりです" phrases.Good job! Thank you for sharing your story and hearing my story! See you tomorrow!

Name: Daisuke TANUMA
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 14:47
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Title: Solamon Dixon san    
Thank you for attending the lesson.
We practiced pronouncing challenging words extensively.
We also reviewed the usage of "あります" and "います."


Name: Haruka
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 14:23
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Title: Jacobさん    
ています、てもいいですか らいしゅうもっとれんしゅうしましょう〜( ^ω^ )

Merry Christmas!

Name: Hiromi Takahashi
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 14:00
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Title: Mr Matthew Camargo    
Dear Mattew

Today took a test. Was it a little difficult?

How many of the basic items were answered correctly?

You became interested in Japanese while studying for university exams

Thank you for giving it to me

In the second lesson from Kizuna's old

Let's study to become good at conversation.
Thank you!

Name: けいこ Keiko 
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 13:45
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Title: Daniel-san    
Thank you for coming to our trial lesson today.
You did a great job today.
I hope to see you next week.

〜Today’s lesson〜

@ はじめまして。Nice to meet you.
hajime mashite

Aわたしは ジェーンです。: I am Jane.
watashi wa Jane desu

Bアメリカじんです。: I am an American.
Amerika jin desu

Cよろしく おねがいします。: Nice to meet you.
yoroshiku onegai shimasu


かいしゃいん: worker いしゃ: doctor
Kaishain isha

せんせい: teacher がくせい: student
Sensei gakusei

Noun + です。 desu.

Name: やました
Date: 2024/12/20(金) 13:36
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Title: Eduardo さん    


today's key phrase
・ごがつ ごにち は、こどものひ です。
・こいのぼり🎏 を みましたか。はい。まえ みました。
・えどわーどさんは、ひ の かかり と、くるま の かかりです。2じかんは、うそ でした。5じかん です。
・どようびに おかあさんの たんじょうびを いわいます。

Our next lesson is 12/23.

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