Dear Ms Kayla In today's class There is ooo. We practiced making words by putting many nouns in front of GA. We were also able to say many Japanese nouns. That's amazing. Today's class was very good Thank you for coming, and see you in the next class. bye bye thank you!!!!
We reviewed “い けいようし/な けいようし/めいし + なります” and you were able to do it. That's good.
Today we moved on to a new lesson. In the ふつうたい, in addition to the じしょ けい and た けい that we have studied so far, there are also new forms. Let's practice together little by little.
Konbanwa! Thak you for taking a lesson on Thursday night. It was great to see you again! In today's lesson, we mainly use this phrase "asking permission",しても いいですか? to practice and have conversations. The phrases like, "しゃしんをみせてもいいですか?”"わたしがとったしゃしんをみせてもいいですか?(May I show that I took pictures?), The answer is "ぜんぜん、だいじょうぶ"(Thta's totally fine),That's a positive statement. The answer is "say No", いいえ、だめです。やめてください。みせないでください。 That's a negative statement. When we refused something, we use these phraces. You could talk using the phraces "じゃない",おさけ、どくたーぺっぱーはすきじゃありません。なぜなら、くすりをのんでいるみたいです."(I don't like alcohol or Dr. Pepper because they taste like I'm taking medicine.) You did well speaking using colorful phrases! Good work! have a good night. See you tomorrow!
Thank you for introducing us to such an interesting video today! There are many different ways of speaking in Japanese. It is important to use different words depending on the situation and the person you are speaking to.
You understood today's lesson very well. Next time, let's practice together so that you can use "これ それ あれ" more smoothly!
Thank you again today. Let's have fun again next time ^^
Hello Kayla san, Thank you for taking a class with me! You learned a lot of verbs already. You can use them in sentences correctly. Good job! I appreciate your efforts and cooperation. I hope you can enjoy learning. Please keep up the good work! Have a wonderful rest of the week! See you next week. ありがとうございました! Ayako
Thank you for attending the lesson. We practiced using “〜しなければなりません” to express obligations as an extension of the ない-form. We also focused on pronunciation practice for challenging words.
Thank you for attending the lesson. We reviewed how to ask for directions to places using “〜はどこですか.” While learning the names of various objects, we also practiced the distinction between “あります” and “います.”