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     Good evening. Thank you for your time on Wednesday night. It's nice to ....
  Satomi Inagaki   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 16:49 

     Today you learned a lot of things! Some more greetings and classroom J ....
  Yuki Tsukamoto   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 16:23 

     今日はYouTubeでアーティストの動画を見たり、休んだりしたんですね。 ....
  ひらい   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 16:16 
 Meg さん

     おつかれさまでした。わたしの トライアルレッスンに 来てくれて ありが ....
  Yasuhiro Tokoro   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 15:51 
 Ceasar G1

     Thank you for attending today's lesson. You are quick to understand. L ....
  Sakura(西)   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 15:36 
 Shawn Aaron

     Thank you for taking the four trial lessons diligently. I'm looking fo ....
  Sakura(西)   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 15:25 

     Konnichiwa!kyou mo arigatou gozaimashita(^^♪**kyou no lesson**・main ....
  Nao Kagiuchi   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 15:11 
 Arli Sienz-san

     こんばんは。はじめまして。Arli-san,いながきさとみです。夜おそくにト ....
  Satomi Inagaki   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 15:07 
 Solamon Dixon san

     Thank you for attending the lesson.We reviewed "this," "that," ....
  Daisuke TANUMA   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 14:54 
 Jon Huff san

     Thank you for attending the lesson.We learned how to say “How much is ....
  Daisuke TANUMA   - 1  2024/09/05(木) 14:51 

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